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Characterisation of microalloy precipitates in the austenitic range of high strength low alloy steels

María José Cancio, Guillermo Echaniz and Teresa Estela Pérez
Steel Research 73 (8) 340 (2002)

Precipitation behavior of a hsla steel containing molybdenum, aluminum and trace amounts of titanium

J.D. L'ecuyer, G. L'espérance, M.G. Akben and B. Bacroix
Acta Metallurgica 35 (5) 1149 (1987)

Influence du molybdene sur la recristallisation et la precipitation dynamiques dans des aciers microallies contenant du niobium et du vanadium

B. Bacroix, C. G'Sell, M.G. Akben and J.J. Jonas
Acta Metallurgica 31 (4) 619 (1983)