Issue |
Rev. Met. Paris
Volume 98, Number 5, May 2001
Tribologie de la mise en forme des métaux
Page(s) | 473 - 484 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 October 2002 |
Dynamic strain ageing in C -Mn steels and associated welds. II. Effect on fracture toughness behaviour
C-Mn steels and associated welds are susceptible to Dynamic Strain Ageing (DSA). In this case,
fracture toughness shows a minimum when the temperature increases from 20°C to 300°C.
After a literature review, the results of J - R tearing resistance tests, characterized by crack
initiation resistance J and tearing modulus dJ/da relative to a base metal (A48 French standard
steel) and Manual Metal Arc deposited metals are presented and discussed. The decrease of
both crack initiation resistance J
and tearing modulus dJ/da is related to the DSA sensitivity
of the material. A simplified engineering method based on the evolution of the Ultimate Tensile
Strength versus temperature and a method of J
determination according to a local approach
model of ductile fracture are proposed to predict the maximal drop in tearing resistance
exhibited by the materials around 200°C as a function of ageing sensitivity of the product.
© La Revue de Métallurgie, 2001
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