Issue |
Rev. Met. Paris
Volume 101, Number 1, January 2004
Page(s) | 57 - 66 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 11 February 2004 |
The impact of regulations on automotive manufacturing
The automobile is still the favored means of locomotion in Europe. Easy to use and a freedom satisfier make it indispensable in our daily lives. And yet the car is at the same time accused of playing a major role in atmospheric pollution and global warming of the earth by the greenhouse effect, being the main source of harmful noise and danger, and thus obliging lawmakers to react and make it evolve under regulatory pressure. The purpose of this article is to determine the current situation and posture in terms of law and regulations concerning it and to describe the solutions offered by steel.
© La Revue de Métallurgie, 2004
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