Issue |
Metall. Res. Technol.
Volume 111, Number 3, 2014
Social Value of Materials (SAM 7)
Page(s) | 169 - 178 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 March 2014 |
Towards time-resolved LCA of electric vehicles in Germany
1 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, ITAS
2 Helmholtz Institute Ulm – Electrochemical Energy Storage, HIU
Received: 28 January 2014
Accepted: 12 February 2014
Electric vehicles in Germany are expected to have an average lifetime of twelve years. During their long use-phase these vehicles rely on electricity from the power grid. A historic review shows that over the last twelve years the German electricity-mix has undergone a massive transition. Renewable energy sources are on the rise, while nuclear power is phased out. This trend is expected to continue. Since the environmental impacts of electric vehicles depend on the electricity-mix, this study performs a life cycle assessment that respects the transitions in the observed time-span. This study defines the new term “time-resolved LCA”, in contrast to conventional LCA- and dynamic LCA-methodology, as an LCA-approach which is based on statistical, time-resolved data. Time-resolved LCA aims at becoming a simple and feasible method to reduce model-uncertainty in LCA. The authors conclude that time-resolved LCA improves model-quality significantly. Most environmental impacts of electric vehicles decrease, when the more precise time-resolved approach is employed. Further implications of the new approach are outlined.
Key words: Life Cycle Assessment / time-resolved LCA / dynamic LCA / electric vehicle / german electricity mix / energy transition / traction battery / uncertainty / environmental impacts
© EDP Sciences 2014
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