Issue |
Metall. Res. Technol.
Volume 117, Number 5, 2020
Article Number | 509 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 September 2020 |
Regular Article
Physical and numerical modeling of liquid slag entrainment in mould during slabs casting
Department of Metals Extraction and Recirculation, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Częstochowa University of Technology,
19 Armii Krajowej ave,
Częstochowa, Poland
* e-mail:
The paper presents results of physical and numerical modeling of liquid slag entrainment during continuous casting of steel slabs process. The main aim of this work was to determine the critical casting speed and also to specify, which entrainment mechanism is most responsible for transport of slag droplets into steel volume. Physical modeling was based on water-oil model of mould, made on reduced linear scale of Sl = 0.4. In mathematical modeling, Realizable k-ε and LES WALE models were used to describe turbulent motion of water and oil, whereas Volume of Fluid model was used to take into account interactions between phases. It was found, that the main cause of slag entrainment is the formation of von Karman vortex in the vicinity of submerged entry nozzle. The results of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations were compared each other. Both method are a useful tools for modeling of slag entrainment. Great agreement was found between laboratory experiments and numerical simulation carried out using LES WALE model, regarding the shape of the oil and oil entrainment as a result of vortex structures formation. However, in the simulation case using Realizable k-ε model, the oil entrainment hasn’t been modeled for the conditions under consideration.
Key words: continuous steel casting / mould slag / physical modeling / numerical simulation / slag entrainment
© EDP Sciences, 2020
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