Issue |
Metall. Res. Technol.
Volume 121, Number 2, 2024
Article Number | 208 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 March 2024 |
Original Article
Microstructure, texture and magnetic properties of the semi-processed strip-cast non-oriented electrical steel
School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
Ansteel Beijing Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 102200, China
* e-mail:
{100}<0vw> texture is the favorable texture in non-oriented electrical steels (NOES). However, the conventional processes are difficult to produce NOES with strong {100}<0vw> texture. In this study, the 0.35 mm thick 3.1% Si NOES with strong {100}<0vw> texture was produced by the top-side pouring twin-roll casting, cold rolling with or without intermediate annealing, and final annealing process. The microstructure and texture were characterized by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. Compared to the one-stage cold-rolled strip-cast NOES, the semi-processed (two-stage cold-rolled) strip-cast NOES with intermediate annealing at 650 °C and 700 °C have stronger {100}<0vw> texture and better magnetic properties. The reason is that the semi-processing method can avoid the encroachment on {100}<0vw> grains by other oriented grains, which can encroach on the {100}<0vw> grains by strain-induced grain boundary migration mechanism. Furthermore, the effect of intermediate annealing temperature on the microstructure, texture, and magnetic properties of the semi-processed strip-cast NOES were studied.
Key words: twin-roll casting / non-oriented electrical steel / texture / semi-processing
© EDP Sciences, 2024
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