Issue |
Rev. Met. Paris
Volume 100, Number 9, September 2003
Science et Génie des MatériauxHétérogénéités de déformation |
Page(s) | 891 - 901 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 November 2003 |
High resolution crystal orientation measurement techniques for the study of nucleation processes during recrystallization in heavily deformed metals
This article presents and discusses some modern techniques for high resolution orientation measurements in electron microscopy, including electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in the scanning electron microscope and spot and Kikuchi diffraction as well as dark field conical scanning in the transmission electron microscope. The techniques are compared with respect to their applicability to studies of nucleation processes during recrystallization of highly deformed metals. These investigations make high demands on orientation measurements, as high spatial and angular resolution and insensitivity to lattice defects are required.
© La Revue de Métallurgie, 2003
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