Issue |
Rev. Met. Paris
Volume 101, Number 7-8, July-August 2004
Surfaces et revêtementsAciéries Laminages Formage |
Page(s) | 543 - 550 | |
Section | Articles techniques commmuns "Stahl und Eisen" - "Revue de Métallurgie" | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 27 September 2004 |
Properties and potential applications of novel ZnMg alloy coatings on steel sheet
By depositing PVD coatings on already conventionally galvanized steel sheets novel zinc alloy coatings have been developed. One of the biggest advantages of PVD coatings lies in the broad choice of coating materials as there are no constraints due to chemical reactions between the substrate and the coating. This leads to a variety in the coating compositions. Accordingly, PVD processes enable customized solutions for various purposes. Magnesium on galvanized sheet steel has been identified as a very promising coating system. Corrosion performance is improved considerably while other properties like forming, joining and painting are comparable to or better than the untreated galvanized material.
© La Revue de Métallurgie, 2004
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