Issue |
Metall. Res. Technol.
Volume 114, Number 2, 2017
Article Number | 216 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 May 2017 |
Regular Article
Microstructure and mechanical property in a high strength high-Al–low-Si hot-dip galvanized dual phase steel
State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University,
3-11 Wenhua Road,
110819, China
Department of Metallurgical, Materials and Biomedical Engineering and Center for Structural and Functional Materials Research and Innovation, University of Texas at El Paso,
500 W. University Avenue,
El Paso,
79968, USA
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In this study, two important parameters of heat treatment, namely, cooling rate after intercritical annealing and 460 °C isothermal soaking time, were varied to simulate the hot-dip galvanizing processing in a high-Al–low-Si cold rolling dual phase (DP) steel. The results indicated that after the annealing processes, ferrite and martensite structure were obtained at room temperature for all the heat treatment schedules. The addition of Mn, Cr, Mo to the DP steel and the increase in cooling rate after intercritical annealing increased the hardenability and stability of austenite and decomposition of austenite to ferrite, pearlite and banite was avoided. When the cooling rate was 50 °C/s and at isothermal soaking time was 3 s, the studied steel obtained the best combination of mechanical properties with tensile strength of ∼962 MPa, total elongation of ∼20.5%, and the product of tensile strength and total elongation of ∼19,727 MPa%. The increase in strain hardenability, decrease in ferrite/martensite nanohardness ratio enhanced the ductility of the experimental steel. The refinement of ferrite grain size and increase in ferrite–ferrite grain boundary misorientation led to increase in ductile behavior.
Key words: dual phase steel / high-Al low-Si / mechanical properties / microstructure
© EDP Sciences, 2017
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