Issue |
Metall. Res. Technol.
Volume 116, Number 3, 2019
Article Number | 302 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 March 2019 |
Regular Article
Effect of Widmanstätten η phase on tensile shear strength of resistance spot welding joints of A286 superalloy
Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricación, Departamento CMeIM/EGI/ICGF/IM/IPF, Universidad de Valladolid, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales,
Paseo del Cauce 59,
Valladolid 47011, Spain
Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Departamento CMeIM/EGI/ICGF/IM/IPF, Universidad de Valladolid, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales,
Paseo del Cauce 59,
Valladolid 47011, Spain
* e-mail:
This work aims to study the effect of Widmanstätten η phase on tensile shear strength (TSS) of resistance spot welding joints (RSW) of A286 superalloy subjected to post-weld high temperature aging treatment. The tensile shear test specimens were welded in the solution treated condition, and then subjected to six different post-weld aging treatments (at an aging temperature of 840 °C for six different aging times). The as-cast dendritic microstructure of the weld nugget and the austenite equiaxed-grain microstructure of the base metal have a different response to the post-weld high temperature aging treatment. Growth of Widmanstätten η phase in the weld nugget is faster than in the base metal. While in the base metal the Widmanstätten η phase precipitates into the grain, in the weld nugget precipitates at the interdendritic region because of the segregation of Ti towards the last-to-solidify interdendritic regions (studied by performing SEM/EDX analysis). Although the hardness increases with the presence of Widmanstätten η phase, the increase in hardness does not necessarily imply an increase in the experimental TSS.
Key words: resistance spot welding / A286 superalloy / post-weld aging treatment / Widmanstätten η phase / γ’ precipitates
© EDP Sciences, 2019
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