Issue |
Metall. Res. Technol.
Volume 117, Number 3, 2020
Article Number | 301 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 April 2020 |
Regular Article
The mechanical parameters modeling of heavy steel plate snake/gradient temperature rolling with the same roll diameters
School of Mechanical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,
030024, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University,
110819, PR China
* e-mail:
The grains in the center of the heavy steel plate can be refined by the snake/gradient temperature rolling, and the deformation penetration, the microstructure, and the properties of the steel plate will be improved. The existing rolling mechanical models are not suitable for the snake/gradient temperature rolling, so it is necessary to establish the mechanical parameters model of the snake/gradient temperature rolling to instruct production. The yield criterion of rolled material was modified based on the idea of equivalent flow stress. The element stress analyses were carried out based on the uniform normal stress and nonuniform shear stress in the vertical sides of each slab. Then the equilibrium equation of the unit pressure based on the slab method was established on this basis. The deformation region was divided into three layers (the top layer, the bottom layer, and the central layer) and maximum four zones (back slip zone, front slip zone, cross shear zone, and reverse deflection zone) according to the temperature distribution and position of the neutral point, and then the 12 zones were formed during the snake/gradient temperature rolling. The boundary conditions of the existence of the back slip zone, the front slip zone, and the cross shear zone were established according to the relationship between the threading angle and the neutral angle. The accurate mechanical parameters model of the rolling force and rolling torque of the snake/gradient temperature rolling with the same roll diameters was set up on this basis. The ANSYS software has been used in the rolling process simulation by many scholars, and the calculating precision has been verified. So the rolling processes were simulated by the ANSYS software to validate the model precision. The results show that the maximum relative deviation of the rolling force analytic model is less than 7% compared with the numerical method, and the maximum relative deviation of the rolling torque analytic model is less than 11% compared with the measured results. The mechanical parameters model can accurately predict the rolling force and rolling torque during the snake/gradient temperature rolling with the same roll diameters, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the design of rolling mill and the setup of the process parameters.
Key words: heavy steel plate / snake/gradient temperature rolling / slab method / rolling force / rolling torque
© EDP Sciences, 2020
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